Hello, and welcome to Episode 11 of the Planning Period Podcast. I am so glad to be back with you guys every week again!
This week, kids were back in school in my district, and it has been more than a little hectic, but things have been expanding on the podcast front too. The response to last week’s episode with my dad has been resoundingly positive, and I thank you all for that!
If you did like last week’s episode, or just like what I’m doing in general, do me a favor and go over to iTunes and write a review. To make things easy, you can go to tinyurl.com/PlanningPeriodReview. I know it may not seem like it, but that is the best way you can help out the show and keep new episodes coming.
So, on to now. This week, I have an interview I did with Mandy Taylor. She is an elementary instructional coach in Texas, an avid blogger, and a member of the Texas Writing Project. We met on a facebook group for educators, and when I asked if she would be willing to do an interview with me, she said yes.
Our conversation ranges a lot, but Mandy is truly brilliant, and showers me with knowledge and truth throughout the episode. We discuss things like the problem of noise in education, coming from both good and bad outside voices, and how hard that can make it for a teacher to hear their own voice. We also talk about the importance of writing, both long form and blogging, as a reflective practice for teachers, professional development, the need for teachers to take their learning in their own hands, and how hard it can be as a teacher and parent.
I was blown away while I recorded this interview, and I hope you will be too.
Thank you, Mandy, for talking with me, and for you all, please take the time to go check her out. Her blog is awesome! Her website is http://taylormadeteaching.blogspot.com/ or reach out on Twitter @mandymtaylor.
And thank you all again for listening. If you’ve liked what you heard, reach out to me on twitter, I’m @bradshreffler, or leave a comment on my website http://www.bradshreffler.com.
Until next week, remember that whatever you are, you are an educator.
Music provided by:
Vicious Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Here’s the link to the blog post that Mandy wrote that we talk about in the episode. Whatever You Are
You can find out more about the National Writing Project here.
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