Evan Jones and Other Students – Episode 9

Planning Period Podcast
Planning Period Podcast
Evan Jones and Other Students – Episode 9

My summer break is over. In just a few days, I will be back to school again, with two weeks of work to be done before students show up at our school for the 2017-2018 school year. My summer has been full of professional development opportunities, conferences, amazing conversations with other educators, meeting new people, and building my PLN. And that doesn’t even start to consider this podcast, which has truly grown over the course of the last couple of months that I’ve been on summer break. Again, with amazing conversations, but also new connections and new opportunities. You’ll remember that I announced a partnership with VoicEd Radio a few episodes back, and that has been awesome.

But despite all these awesome things floating around my head, my mind keeps coming back to students. In about 2 weeks, students will enter my school, ready to learn, to experience, to grow. And so, this episode of the podcast is all about students. A few months back, I had the pleasure of interviewing one of my former students, Evan Jones. who had just finished his freshman year in college. Evan is one of the most mature students I have ever interacted with, truly personable and intelligent, and with a wisdom that is well beyond his years (and his not-always perfect grades!).

From there, I also reached out to friends and family members with their own kids, and asked them to record their kids answering one of my three questions. So, in this episode, you get to hear Evan discuss what he thinks, from a student’s perspective, is the biggest problem in education, then you get to hear from Josh, Kayla, Sammy, and Isaac about some of their thoughts too.

This episode marks the end of our “summer series” as it were, or at least the end of my summer schedule. The show will take one more week off, before starting back up with a regular, weekly release schedule. So, starting August 11th, you will get Episode 10, which I am considering the start of Season 2 of the Planning Period Podcast. That episode is a particularly special episode to me, as I interview my own dad, a retired elementary school principal.

If you like what you’re listening to, please, go over to itunes and write me a review! To make things a little easier, I made a tiny url that will take you straight to my page. That web address is http://tinyurl.com/PlanningPeriodiTunes.

Also, if you would like to be a guest on the Planning Period Podcast, message me on twitter, @bradshreffler.

Music provided by:

Vicious Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

See you all in a couple weeks!

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