Amanda Macias – Team Uniquorn

Planning Period Podcast
Planning Period Podcast
Amanda Macias – Team Uniquorn

Hello, and welcome to Episode 141 of the Planning Period Podcast, part of the OnPodcastMedia Network. I’m your host, Brad Shreffler.

This week on the show I am joined by Amanda Macias. Amanda is and instructional coach out of southern California, and she is also part of the InsideParticipate Twitch channel, and a regular participant on my weekly live show, unScriptEd. We’ve become friends and chat on Twitter regularly, so I knew she’d be a great guest for the show.

Amanda and I talk about gamification and game-based learning, how we can bring ideas back into our schools as coaches, how education is like Pompeii, what the long-term effects of our current situation will be, the need for teachers to practice better self-care. It also took us four attempts to record this episode as the software kept crashing for us. But, I think I did a great job of hiding it in the edits…

So, sit back and enjoy Episode 141 of the Planning Period Podcast, my interview with Amanda Macias.

Amanda, thank you for such a great chat and for working through all the technical issues with me on this one!

To connect with Amanda, find her on Twitter @ItsAmandaMacias. Also, on Twitch,

If you have comments or questions about the show, you can always connect with me on Twitter or Instagram, @BradShreffler. I love to hear from you all there and that’s also a great place to connect if you’d like to be a guest on the show. Or, checkout the Feedback Page on my website that gives you other options for feedback as well, which you can find at

Until next time,


Limitless Mind – Jo Boaler

Music provided by:

Vicious by Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

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