Jeff Gargas – He’s a Pretty Weed

Planning Period Podcast
Planning Period Podcast
Jeff Gargas – He’s a Pretty Weed

Hello, and welcome to Episode 134 of the Planning Period Podcast, part of the OnPodcastMedia Network. I’m your host, Brad Shreffler.

This week on the show I am joined by Jeff Gargas. Jeff is the COO and one of the co-founders of the Teach Better Team. The team is dedicated to helping teachers, schools, and districts get better every day. He’s also the co-host of the Teach Better Talk podcast, which I am a big fan of and a former guest on. With all the awesome he’s doing, I had to have him join me on the show.

Jeff and I talk about the Teach Better Team and their work, the problems caused by nostalgia and “that’s the way it’s always been done”, why you don’t need to be the smartest person in the room, and how sometimes you’re the best teacher for yourself.

So, sit back and enjoy Episode 134 of the Planning Period Podcast, my interview with Jeff Gargas.

Jeff, thank you so much for joining me on the show! As was clear to anyone listening, it was a ton of fun chatting with you.

To connect with Jeff, find him on Twitter, @jeffgargas or Instagram @jeff_gargas. Also, checkout the Teach Better Team and all their amazing resources and support at And, do not miss out on Jeff and Rae Hughart on the Teach Better Talk Podcast, which at the time of me recording this just reached its 200th episode! Congrats to you Jeff and Rae, and to everyone else, why aren’t you listening yet? If nothing else, go checkout episode 189 with yours truly having a bonkers chat about carpentry, Jeff’s laziness, and occasionally some education stuff.

If you have comments or questions about the show, you can always connect with me on Twitter or Instagram, @BradShreffler. I love to hear from you all there and that’s also a great place to connect if you’d like to be a guest on the show. Or, checkout the Feedback Page on my website that gives you other options for feedback as well, which you can find at

Until next time, learn something from yourself.


Music provided by:

Vicious by Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

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